What is the difference between 350W and 500W E Scooter?

The main difference between a 350W and a 500W electric scooter is the power of their motors. A 500W motor is more powerful than a 350W motor, which means that it can provide more speed and torque.

Here are some key differences between the two:

  1. Speed: A 500W electric scooter can generally go faster than a 350W scooter, assuming all other factors such as rider weight, terrain, and weather conditions are the same.

  2. Torque: A 500W motor can provide more torque than a 350W motor, which means that it can handle steeper hills and uneven terrain more easily.

  3. Battery life: A 500W motor may drain the battery faster than a 350W motor, meaning that a scooter with a 500W motor may have a shorter range.

  4. Price: Generally, electric scooters with more powerful motors are more expensive than those with less powerful motors.

Ultimately, the choice between a 350W and a 500W electric scooter depends on your personal needs and preferences. If you plan to use your scooter for shorter commutes or on flat terrain, a 350W scooter may be sufficient. If you need more power for steeper hills or longer commutes, a 500W scooter may be a better option.

kugookirin m4 pro is 500w, kugookirin s1 pro is 350w, but I think M4 PRO is better, as I used it for more than 2 years already.


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